Tone and Firm Your Arms With an Arm Lift in Thousand Oaks

Many men and women are unhappy with the way their upper arms look. For reasons such as weight fluctuations, genetics, and aging, it’s common for excess skin and fat to accumulate around the biceps and triceps. This can cause people to feel self-conscious about wearing sleeveless shirts and dresses, going swimming, and even being in intimate situations. If you find yourself dealing with any of these issues, an arm lift procedure at Elevate Plastic Surgery could be the solution you’re seeking.

What Is an Arm Lift?

Also known as brachioplasty, an arm lift is a surgical procedure designed to remove loose skin and excess fat from the upper arms, resulting in a more toned and youthful appearance. The procedure is a popular choice for individuals who have recently lost a large amount of weight, either through bariatric surgery or other means. This is because significant weight loss tends to leave behind excess skin, which can create the dreaded “bat wing” look for the upper arms. However, when weight loss is followed up with an arm lift, it can result in firm, well-defined contours. In some cases, an arm lift will be combined with liposuction, allowing the surgeon to remove both excess skin and stubborn fat deposits.

Benefits of an Arm Lift

For anyone experiencing excess skin and fat on their upper arms, an arm lift can potentially offer all of the following benefits:

  • More toned and youthful-looking upper arms
  • Removal of loose, sagging skin and excess fat
  • Increased wardrobe options
  • Elimination of “bat wing” upper arm appearance
  • Better-fitting clothes
  • Improved range of motion
  • Long-lasting, natural-looking results
  • Increased self-confidence
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What to Expect During Your Arm Lift Surgery

Before your arm lift procedure, you’ll need to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rahgozar. During this meeting, he’ll examine your upper arms and ask you about what you’re hoping to achieve with your treatment. After learning about your aesthetic goals, medical history, and current health, the doctor will answer all your questions and will curate a personalized treatment plan for the procedure.

Your arm lift will be performed on an outpatient basis. Dr. Rahgozar will make small incisions on the underside of your arms. The length and location of the incisions will depend on the amount of excess skin and fat that needs to be removed. He will then begin to strategically remove the excess skin and fat from your arms, using excision and, if necessary, liposuction. The remaining skin will be pulled taut and sutured together to create a more toned and youthful appearance.

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Who Is a Good Candidate for an Arm Lift?

If you are bothered by the appearance of sagging skin and/or excess fat on your upper arms, you may be a good candidate for an arm lift. The procedure could be an excellent choice for you if you’ve been left with loose, drooping skin after losing a large amount of weight. It’s important to understand that an arm lift is not a weight loss procedure, and candidates for the surgery should be fairly close to their ideal weight. Additionally, ideal candidates should be in good physical health and not currently pregnant or breastfeeding. They should also have reasonable expectations for the outcome of the procedure and be non-smokers.

Recovery After Your Arm Lift

After your brachioplasty in Thousand Oaks, it is normal to experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising. To reduce the swelling, you’ll be advised to wrap the arms with a compressive bandage or garment and to keep the arms elevated as much as possible. Dr. Rahgozar will also prescribe you pain medication for comfort.

Although every patient is unique, you can expect to need around one week of recovery at home before you start easing back into your normal routine. Most patients can return to work around this time, but strenuous physical activity should be avoided for a minimum of four to six weeks. You’ll want to hold off on heavy lifting until you get the go-ahead from your doctor.

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Why Choose Elevate Plastic Surgery for Your Arm Lift in Thousand Oaks?

At Elevate Plastic Surgery, we offer compassionate, specialized cosmetic and reconstructive care through a diverse variety of cutting-edge procedures. Our staff plastic surgeon, Dr. Paymon Rahgozar, is a triple board-certified surgeon with extensive training at several prestigious institutions. Dr. Rahgozar and the rest of our team understand how big of a decision it can be to undergo cosmetic surgery, and they’ll be with you every step of the way to provide you with constant guidance, support, and personalized treatment. If you’re ready to move forward in your journey toward becoming the best possible version of yourself, contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

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Arm Lift FAQ

How long does an arm lift usually take?

When will you see the full results of your arm lift?

What are the risks of an arm lift?

How long does an arm lift usually take?

On average, an arm lift typically takes around two to three hours, but this can vary depending on the specific needs of the patient.

When will you see the full results of your arm lift?

It may take several weeks to months to see the full results of your arm lift. Improvements to the contours of your arms should be visible immediately, but the final results will not appear until the swelling and bruising have subsided.

What are the risks of an arm lift?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications associated with an arm lift. These may include infection, bleeding, scarring, asymmetry, and changes in sensation. However, serious complications are rare, and most patients experience a safe and successful recovery. By choosing a board certified and qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Rahgozar, you can minimize your risk of experiencing any complications.

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