Complete Your Dream Figure With a Body Lift in Thousand Oaks

There are numerous positives associated with losing a lot of weight. You’ll look and feel better, you’ll be physically healthier, and you’ll have improved mobility, just to name a few. However, one downside of major weight loss is the fact that it often leaves you with quite a bit of excess skin, which can detract greatly from your new, slimmer figure. At Elevate Plastic Surgery, we offer a procedure called a body lift that can address the issue of sagging excess skin in multiple areas of your body.

What Is a Body Lift?

A body lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to remove excess skin and fat from various areas of the body to create firmer, more toned contours. Most commonly, the procedure is used to help patients get rid of excess skin and stubborn fat deposits after losing a significant amount of weight, either through bariatric surgery or more traditional means of weight loss.

There are two main types of body lift: upper body lift and lower body lift. The upper body lift primarily focuses on the back, chest, and arms, while the lower body lift focuses on the abdomen, buttocks, hips, waist, and thighs.

Benefits of a Body Lift

For individuals dealing with a significant amount of excess skin, a body lift can offer all of the following benefits:

  • Removal of excess skin in various areas of the body
  • Tightening of loose, sagging skin
  • Enhanced bodily contours and proportions
  • A slimmer, more toned physique
  • Better-fitting clothing
  • Improved mobility and athletic performance
  • Increased wardrobe options
  • Improved self-confidence
  • Long-lasting, natural-looking results
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What to Expect During Your Body Lift Surgery

Before you undergo a body lift, you’ll need to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Rahgozar. During this meeting, you and the doctor will discuss your goals and expectations for the procedure, and he’ll examine the area(s) that you’re looking to target. He’ll also answer any questions you may have and ask you about your overall health and medical history. If you decide to proceed with the body lift, Dr. Rahgozar will work with you to devise a personalized treatment plan for the surgery.

Your body lift will be an outpatient procedure performed using general anesthesia, meaning that you’ll be asleep throughout the operation. The locations of your incisions will depend on your treatment plan and the parts of your body being targeted. Typically, the surgery will involve Dr. Rahgozar excising excess skin as needed and redraping the remaining skin to create firm, toned contours. He may also use liposuction to remove pockets of stubborn excess fat. When he’s finished removing excess skin and fat, he’ll close the incisions with sutures and apply bandages as needed.

Immediately following your procedure, you’ll be brought to a recovery room, where our team will monitor you for a couple of hours. Once the anesthesia has worn off, you can head home with a friend or family member driving you.

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Who Is a Good Candidate for a Body Lift?

Adults looking to eliminate excess skin and fat in one or more areas of the body could be good candidates for a body lift. Typically, the best candidates for the procedure have recently lost a large amount of weight and have been left with a significant amount of loose, sagging skin. That said, a body lift can also be an effective body contouring option for individuals dealing with significant skin laxity due to the natural effects of aging.

To be an ideal candidate for a body lift, it’s important to meet the following criteria:

  • Be in good physical health
  • Not be currently pregnant or nursing
  • Be a non-smoker or willing to temporarily quit
  • Have realistic expectations

Recovering After Your Body Lift Procedure

The details of your body lift recovery will depend on the extent of your procedure. On average, most patients need around one to two weeks of rest and recovery at home after the surgery. During this time, you’ll experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated areas, and Dr. Rahgozar can prescribe you pain medication if necessary. You can also reduce the swelling by wearing compressive garments. 

During your recovery, it’s important to do the following:

  • Stay hydrated
  • Maintain a nutritious diet
  • Take light walks regularly
  • Avoid heavy lifting

After a week or two, you can gradually start easing back into your normal routine, and you should be able to return to work. You’ll need to wait at least four to six weeks before engaging in strenuous physical activity. If you’ve undergone a lower body lift, you may need to take extra time before partaking in activities that put stress on your lower body, such as running or squats.

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Why Choose Elevate Plastic Surgery for Your Body Lift in Thousand Oaks?

At Elevate Plastic Surgery, your body lift in Thousand Oaks will be performed by Dr. Paymon Rahgozar, a triple board-certified cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon. Dr. Rahgozar is a highly respected, award-winning plastic surgeon with training from multiple prestigious institutions. He and the rest of our team understand that the decision to undergo plastic surgery is a personal and impactful one, and they’ll be there to provide you with personalized guidance and support throughout your treatment. If you’d like to learn more or schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Rahgozar, don’t hesitate to contact our office today.

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Body Lift FAQ

How long does a body lift procedure take?

Are the results of a body lift permanent?

Can you combine an upper and lower body lift?

How long does a body lift procedure take?

The exact length of your body lift will depend on the specifics of your treatment plan. On average, an upper body lift takes around two to three hours, while a lower body lift usually takes around four to six hours.

Are the results of a body lift permanent?

The results of a body lift are typically long-lasting, but they are not necessarily permanent. Eventually, the natural effects of aging as well as lifestyle factors can lead to the return of excess skin and fat. Maintaining a healthy diet, a consistent exercise routine, and a stable weight can help to prolong the results of your body lift.

Can you combine an upper and lower body lift?

Yes, many patients choose to undergo a full body lift, addressing both the lower and upper body in one procedure. During your consultation, Dr. Rahgozar will discuss your treatment options with you and help you choose the ideal path forward based on your unique situation.

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