Improve Your Confidence and Comfort With Labiaplasty in Thousand Oaks

Although having enlarged labia minora is certainly nothing to be ashamed of, it can potentially cause real problems for many women. For one, it’s common for women of all ages to be embarrassed by the appearance of their labia, causing them to avoid or become anxious about intimate situations. Additionally, enlarged labia minora can lead to irritation when sitting, engaging in sexual intercourse, and participating in certain activities. If you find yourself struggling with any of these issues, you may want to consider labiaplasty at Elevate Plastic Surgery.

What Is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that involves the reduction or reshaping of the labia minora, which are the inner lips of the female genitalia. For many women, the labia minora can be elongated or asymmetrical, which can cause discomfort, irritation, or self-consciousness during physical activities or sexual intercourse. Labiaplasty aims to improve the appearance and function of the labia, as well as the patient's quality of life.

During the procedure, Dr. Rahgozar will remove excess tissue from the labia minora and reshape them to achieve a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Benefits of Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is an effective vaginal rejuvenation procedure that can offer all of the following benefits:

  • Improved vaginal appearance
  • Increased day-to-day comfort
  • Reduced irritation when sitting and engaging in certain activities
  • Enhanced sexual experience
  • Improved hygiene
  • Increased self-confidence
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What to Expect During Your Labiaplasty Procedure

Before your labiaplasty procedure, you will have a consultation with Dr. Rahgozar, at which time he will discuss the treatment with you and ask you about your hopes and goals. During this consultation, you will also have a physical examination to determine if you’re a good candidate for the procedure. Based on your unique situation and needs, Dr. Rahgozar will work with you to curate a personalized treatment plan. Your labiaplasty will be an outpatient procedure and will be performed using either local anesthesia with IV sedation or general anesthesia.

During the procedure, Dr. Rahgozar will carefully remove excess tissue from the labia minora. Typically, this will involve excising tissue either from the edges of the labia minora or in a wedge shape from the middle of the labia minora. He will then carefully reshape the labia to create a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. Once Dr. Rahgozar has finished making your desired adjustments, you’ll be brought to a recovery room to be monitored for a couple of hours. You’ll then be able to head home with someone else driving you.

Woman in bikini at the beach

Recovery After Your Labiaplasty

After your labiaplasty, you will most likely experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the treated area. Dr. Rahgozar may prescribe pain medication to help manage any pain or discomfort.

For the first week of recovery, you’ll need to rest frequently, keep yourself hydrated, maintain a nutritious diet, and take light walks periodically. Doing so will help to ensure a smooth, successful healing process. After around a week, you should be able to start easing back into your normal routine, and you’ll likely feel well enough to return to work. However, you’ll need to hold off on strenuous exercise for at least three to four weeks, and sexual intercourse should be avoided for at least four to six weeks.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Labiaplasty?

Women who are unsatisfied with the appearance of their labia minora could be good candidates for labiaplasty. The procedure is also a popular choice for women who are experiencing persistent discomfort due to the size of their labia. While there are non-surgical options for vaginal rejuvenation, labiaplasty is often the best choice for women seeking more dramatic, permanent results.

To be an ideal candidate for labiaplasty, you should also meet the following criteria:

  • Be in generally good physical health
  • Be a non-smoker or willing to temporarily quit
  • Not be currently pregnant or nursing
  • Have realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure
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Why Choose Elevate Plastic Surgery for Your Labiaplasty in Thousand Oaks?

When you choose Elevate Plastic Surgery for your labiaplasty in Thousand Oaks, you’ll be treated with respect, compassion, and professionalism at all times. At our clinic, we’ve gone above and beyond to provide our patients with a warm, welcoming environment where they can feel safe, comfortable, and taken care of. Our cutting-edge cosmetic and reconstructive procedures are performed by Dr. Paymon Rahgozar, a triple board-certified plastic surgeon renowned for his technical skill and artistic vision. He and the rest of our dedicated team will take the time to understand your needs and goals so that they can provide you with the high-quality, personalized care that you deserve. Simply contact our office today if you’re ready to schedule your initial consultation.

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Labiaplasty FAQ

What risks are associated with labiaplasty?

How long does labiaplasty take?

What non-surgical alternatives exist for labiaplasty?

What risks are associated with labiaplasty?

As with any surgical procedure, there are certain risks associated with labiaplasty. Some of the potential risks include bleeding, infection, scarring, and changes in sensation. However, by choosing a qualified board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Rahgozar, you can minimize the likelihood of any complications.

How long does labiaplasty take?

On average, labiaplasty takes about one to two hours to complete, but the length of the procedure can vary from patient to patient.

What non-surgical alternatives exist for labiaplasty?

There are several non-surgical alternatives to labiaplasty, such as laser therapy or radiofrequency treatments. However, these treatments typically do not provide the same level of results as surgery and may require multiple sessions. When you have your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Rahgozar, he’ll be happy to discuss all of your treatment options with you and help you choose the ideal path forward.

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