Get Your Stunning Figure Back With a Mommy Makeover in Thousand Oaks

Are you a mom who feels self-conscious about your post-pregnancy body? If so, you're not alone. Even if you haven’t experienced pregnancy and childbirth, there are many factors that can cause a woman’s body to go through significant, unwanted changes. If you’re unhappy with the way your figure has changed, a mommy makeover performed by Dr. Paymon Rahgozar could be an ideal solution to help you restore your toned, well-proportioned physique.

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What Is a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover is a combination of cosmetic surgical procedures meant to help women restore their youthful figure after going through significant bodily changes. Most commonly, this treatment is used to help mothers improve their physique after pregnancy and childbirth. However, a mommy makeover can also be performed to reverse bodily changes caused by aging, genetics, and weight fluctuations.

The typical mommy makeover includes a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift, and liposuction. However, the specific procedures included in a mommy makeover can vary depending on the individual's needs and goals. Generally, the primary goal of the treatment will be to give the patient a slimmer, more proportionate figure.

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Benefits of a Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover can be a massively impactful procedure and can provide all of the following benefits:

  • Improved bodily proportions and contours
  • A slimmer, more toned physique
  • Restoration of previous figure after pregnancy, childbirth, or weight fluctuations
  • Fully customizable results
  • A flatter, firmer abdomen
  • A more curvaceous figure
  • Increased wardrobe options
  • Improved self-confidence and self-image
  • Long-lasting, natural-looking results

Your Mommy Makeover Consultation

Before you undergo a mommy makeover, you’ll first need to sit down for a private consultation with Dr. Rahgozar. During this consultation, he will evaluate your medical history, examine your body, and discuss your goals and expectations for the treatment.

During the physical examination, the doctor will assess the areas of your body that you would like to improve. He will also take measurements and photographs to help guide the surgical plan. Dr. Rahgozar will then discuss the various surgical options available to you and recommend the best approach based on your aesthetic goals and physical characteristics.

It's important to ask any questions you may have during this consultation, including questions regarding the risks and benefits of the procedures, the recovery process, and the expected outcomes. Dr. Rahgozar will provide you with detailed information to ensure you are fully informed and comfortable with your decision to undergo a mommy makeover. 

Recovery After Your Mommy Makeover

It’s important to understand that every patient’s mommy makeover recovery experience is unique. Because this treatment is fully customizable, the specifics of your recovery and healing will depend on your unique situation, including which surgical procedures you’ve undergone. Generally, you can expect to experience some swelling, bruising, and soreness in the main treatment areas after your mommy makeover. If needed, Dr. Rahgozar can prescribe you pain medication to help you manage the discomfort. It’s also likely that you’ll be prescribed a surgical support bra and/or compression garment, which you’ll need to wear for several weeks to promote healing and reduce swelling.

In most cases, patients need to rest at home for approximately two weeks after undergoing a mommy makeover. After that, you should be able to ease back into your normal routine and return to work. However, heavy lifting and other strenuous physical activities should be avoided for around six to eight weeks.

To optimize your healing and results, you should do all of the following while you’re recovering from your mommy makeover:

  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Stay hydrated
  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Take light walks periodically
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Who Is a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

Adult women looking to restore their youthful, proportionate figure after experiencing significant bodily changes could be good candidates for a mommy makeover. While the treatment is most common for mothers, it is not a requirement for the procedure that you’ve experienced pregnancy and childbirth. If you are a mother, it’s important that you’ve waited at least six months after giving birth before considering a mommy makeover.

To be an ideal candidate for our mommy makeover in Thousand Oaks, you should meet the following criteria:

  • Be in good physical health
  • Be relatively close to your ideal weight
  • Be willing and able to maintain a healthy lifestyle going forward
  • Not be currently pregnant or nursing
  • Be a non-smoker or willing to temporarily quit
  • Have realistic expectations
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Why Choose Elevate Plastic Surgery for Your Mommy Makeover in Thousand Oaks?

To achieve the transformative, life-changing results that you desire, choosing the right plastic surgeon for your mommy makeover is essential. At Elevate Plastic Surgery, your treatment will be handled by Dr. Paymon Rahgozar, a triple board-certified cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon, and our dedicated staff of aesthetic professionals. Dr. Rahgozar is an award-winning plastic surgeon with extensive training at several top institutions, and he believes in compassionate, patient-centered care for all of his patients. He will work closely with you to curate a mommy makeover treatment plan that will allow you to attain your dream physique. Contact our office today if you’re ready to schedule your consultation and take the next step on your aesthetic journey.

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Mommy Makeover FAQ

What procedures can be performed during a mommy makeover?

What are the potential risks and complications of a mommy makeover?

Is a mommy makeover always completed in one surgery session?

What procedures can be performed during a mommy makeover?

The most common procedures included in a mommy makeover are breast augmentation, lift, or reduction, tummy tuck, and liposuction. Other procedures that may be included are labiaplasty, thigh lift, and arm lift. Fat grafting to the buttocks, hip dips, and/or breasts may be performed as well.

What are the potential risks and complications of a mommy makeover?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications associated with a mommy makeover. These may include bleeding, infection, anesthesia complications, scarring, and dissatisfaction with the results. Working with a skilled board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Rahgozar will greatly reduce the likelihood of significant complications during and after your procedure.

Is a mommy makeover always completed in one surgery session?

Whenever possible, it’s usually preferred to complete a mommy makeover in a single surgical session. However, there are cases where the treatment will need to be split into two separate sessions.

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