Rejuvenate Your Figure With Renuvion Body Contouring in Thousand Oaks

There are multiple reasons why you may start to develop loose, sagging skin as you get older. For one, our bodies naturally begin to produce less collagen and elastin as we age, which can negatively affect the health and structure of the skin. Other factors can also lead to skin laxity, including sun exposure, genetics, and weight fluctuations. If you’re seeking a minimally invasive method to tighten up your drooping skin and enhance the contours of your body, you may want to consider Renuvion in Thousand Oaks.

What Is Renuvion Body Contouring?

Renuvion is a cutting-edge body contouring device designed to tighten loose, sagging skin and eliminate excess subdermal fat in various areas of the body. Treatment with the Renuvion device is minimally invasive and can effectively help patients enhance the tone and definition of their skin in multiple places, including the following areas:

  • Neck
  • Back
  • Abdomen
  • Arms
  • Thighs
  • Flanks
  • Hips
  • Buttocks

The Renuvion device works by delivering a combination of radiofrequency energy and helium gas to the deep layers of skin. This directly tightens the skin and stimulates increased production of collagen, which is an essential protein for the health, contours, and complexion of your skin.  The procedure is commonly paired with liposuction.

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Benefits of Renuvion Body Contouring

Renuvion body contouring is an innovative procedure that can provide all of the following benefits:

  • Tightening of loose, sagging skin
  • Enhanced bodily contours and proportions
  • Firmer, more youthful-looking skin
  • A slimmer, more toned physique
  • Increased collagen production
  • Long-lasting, natural-looking results
  • Relatively short recovery time
  • Increased self-confidence

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What to Expect During Your Renuvion Body Contouring Procedure

If you’re interested in trying Renuvion body contouring, you’ll first need to have a private consultation with Dr. Rahgozar. He will examine the areas of your body you’re looking to treat and listen to your specific goals and expectations for the procedure. To ensure that you’re a good candidate for the treatment, he’ll also ask you about your current health and medical history. Once he has a thorough understanding of your situation, he’ll be able to curate a personalized treatment plan for you.

Your Renuvion procedure will likely be performed on an outpatient basis. To begin, Dr. Rahgozar will make a minimal hidden incision in the targeted area. He will then begin with liposuction using a special cannula.  Then, he will insert the Renuvion wand beneath the skin, where it will deliver its special combination of radiofrequency energy and helium. This will contract the fibers of collagen and pull the skin inward, reducing skin laxity and enhancing the contours of the area. Finally, he will close the incision with sutures and bandage up the area.

Our team will need to monitor you after the procedure for a couple of hours. Once the anesthesia has worn off, you can head home with someone else driving you.

What Is the Recovery Like After Renuvion Body Contouring?

You should be able to return to work approximately three to four days after your Renuvion procedure. However, your swelling, bruising, and soreness may last for up to a few weeks. Dr. Rahgozar will instruct you to wear a special compression garment for several weeks to help reduce swelling and promote healing. As early as the first night of surgery, you should start taking light walks around the house to keep your blood flowing.

After a few days, you will likely feel well enough to start gradually resuming light activities and easing back into your normal routine. However, you’ll want to check with Dr. Rahgozar’s team before engaging in strenuous physical activity.

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Who Is a Good Candidate for Renuvion Body Contouring?

Adults interested in eliminating loose, sagging skin and enhancing their bodily contours could be good candidates for Renuvion body contouring in Thousand Oaks. The procedure is typically ideal for individuals who want long-lasting results without having to undergo a more invasive procedure, such as a body lift.

Renuvion body contouring can be very effective as an ancillary procedure to pair with liposuction. That way, you’ll be able to eliminate stubborn fat deposits while ensuring that the targeted area ends up looking firm and well-defined.

To be an ideal candidate for Renuvion, it’s important to be in good physical health, a non-smoker, and not currently pregnant or breastfeeding. You should also have realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure.

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Why Choose Elevate Plastic Surgery for Renuvion in Thousand Oaks?

At Elevate Plastic Surgery, we take great pride in offering only the most advanced and effective cosmetic and reconstructive procedures in a comfortable, welcoming environment. Renuvion and our other state-of-the-art treatments are administered by Dr. Paymon Rahgozar, a triple board-certified plastic surgeon known for his precision, expertise, and artistic vision. Dr. Rahgozar believes firmly in compassionate, patient-centered care, which is why he takes the time to form personal connections with all of his patients. He will go the extra mile to understand your unique needs and goals to ensure that you receive the custom-tailored treatment and exceptional results that you deserve. If you’re ready to move forward in your quest to look and feel like the best possible version of yourself, contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

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Renuvion Body Contouring FAQ

How long does Renuvion body contouring take?

How long does it take to start seeing results after Renuvion treatment?

Why do people combine Renuvion body contouring with liposuction?

How long does Renuvion body contouring take?

Depending on the specific areas of your body that you’re having treated, Renuvion body contouring typically takes around 30 minutes to an hour to complete.

How long does it take to start seeing results after Renuvion treatment?

Most patients start to notice improvements to their skin texture and firmness within only a few days. These results continue to improve for several months as the swelling subsides and collagen production increases.

Why do people combine Renuvion body contouring with liposuction?

Liposuction and Renuvion are a very popular combination because the two procedures complement each other nicely. While liposuction is very effective in removing pockets of excess fat, it does not directly tighten the skin. By combining the procedure with Renuvion, it’s possible to achieve more comprehensive results, especially in areas such as the abdomen, thighs, and arms.

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