Restore Your Feminine Figure With Breast Reconstruction in Thousand Oaks

There are many extreme challenges that come with a breast cancer diagnosis, and for many women, having to cope with the reality of a mastectomy or lumpectomy procedure can be the most difficult. As a result of these procedures, women often can become very self-conscious about their appearance. At Elevate Plastic Surgery, we offer breast reconstruction surgery, allowing courageous women who have battled breast cancer to restore their figures and regain their self-confidence.

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What Is Breast Reconstruction?

Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure typically performed to restore the appearance of a breast that has been treated with a mastectomy or lumpectomy after a breast cancer diagnosis. 

Most commonly, the surgery is used to enhance the volume and shape of the affected breast(s) to restore the patient’s breast symmetry and bodily proportions.

What are the types of Breast Reconstruction?

Implant Based Reconstruction:

With implant based reconstruction, we use implants to restore the appearance of the breasts.  The advantage of this technique is that the length of reconstruction is shorter, and usually has a shorter recovery period.

Hybrid Reconstruction:

A combination of flap and implant reconstruction can also be provided depending on the patient’s anatomy and desires.

Flap Based Reconstruction:

This type of reconstruction involves a microsurgical transplant of your own tissue, typically from the abdomen, thighs, or back, to create new, natural breast mounds.  The advantage of this method is that no implant is necessary.  Given that this is a larger operation, Dr. Rahgozar will typically perform this surgery with another highly experienced surgeon to ensure shorter operative times and better outcomes.

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Benefits of Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction is a potentially life-changing procedure that can provide all of the following benefits:

  • Restoration of breast shape and volume after a mastectomy or lumpectomy
  • Enhanced breast size, shape, and symmetry
  • Improved bodily proportions
  • A fuller, more feminine figure
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Increased wardrobe options

What to Expect During Your Breast Reconstruction Procedure

The first step of your breast reconstruction process will be to sit down for a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Rahgozar. He’ll take the time to learn about your medical history and aesthetic goals to ensure that you’re a good candidate for the procedure. If you’ve undergone a mastectomy or lumpectomy, he may also need to consult with your breast cancer surgeon and/or oncologist to ensure that he can curate an ideal treatment plan for the procedure. Dr. Rahgozar will also answer any questions you may have and give you instructions to properly prepare for the surgery.

The specifics of your breast reconstruction procedure can vary quite a bit depending on your specific needs and treatment plan. There are many factors that must be considered, including the need for radiation or chemotherapy.  Not everyone is a candidate for every reconstruction option.  This is something that you will discuss with your surgeon during the consultation.

After the procedure is complete, you will likely stay in the hospital for a short period of time to monitor the reconstruction closely, particularly for flap-based reconstructions. 

Recovery After Breast Reconstruction

Following your breast reconstruction in Thousand Oaks, you may experience swelling, bruising, and soreness in the treated area. Dr. Rahgozar can prescribe pain medication to alleviate your discomfort, and he’ll also prescribe a surgical support bra, which you’ll need to wear for several weeks. For the first one to two weeks of recovery, you’ll need to rest and recover at home, getting plenty of sleep, staying hydrated, and taking regular light walks around the house.

After a week or two, you should feel well enough to gradually resume your normal routine and return to work. However, activities like heavy lifting and strenuous exercise will need to be avoided for at least a month to ensure proper healing and optimal results.

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Who Is a Good Candidate for Breast Reconstruction in Thousand Oaks?

Women who would like to restore the appearance of their breasts after undergoing a mastectomy or lumpectomy could be good candidates for breast reconstruction. Typically, the best candidates for breast reconstruction are looking to restore their feminine physique by reconstructing the volume and shape of their breasts after lumpectomy or mastectomy.

When you have your consultation with Dr. Rahgozar, he will evaluate the specifics of your situation to help you determine if breast reconstruction is right for you. This may also include communication with your oncologist and/or breast cancer surgeon.

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Why Choose Elevate Plastic Surgery for Breast Reconstruction in Thousand Oaks?

At Elevate Plastic Surgery, we strive to provide our patients with comprehensive, high-quality reconstructive and cosmetic care. At our clinic, your breast reconstruction will be handled by Dr. Paymon Rahgozar, a triple-board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in breast and body contouring. He will take the time to fully understand your unique situation to ensure that you receive exceptional care and the transformative, natural-looking results that you deserve. Dr. Rahgozar and our team of skilled practitioners believe in treating every patient with compassion, respect, and transparency while providing a comfortable, stress-free treatment experience. Contact our office today if you have any questions or would like to schedule your private consultation.

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Breast ReconstructionFAQ

What are the different methods of breast reconstruction?

How long does breast reconstruction surgery take?

How long after my breast cancer surgery can I undergo breast reconstruction?

What are the different methods of breast reconstruction?

At Elevate Plastic Surgery, we offer breast reconstruction with the use of customized breast implants. However, microsurgeons specializing in breast reconstruction also offer “flap” methods of reconstruction, which involve using the patient’s own living tissue to create a new breast. In some cases, these advanced methods can also be combined with the use of implants to achieve the most comprehensive results.

How long does breast reconstruction surgery take?

The length of the procedure is highly variable depending on the type of reconstruction that is best for you. You will discuss the details of this with Dr. Rahgozar during the consultation.

How long after my breast cancer surgery can I undergo breast reconstruction?

The ideal timeline for breast reconstruction will depend on the specific patient. Some women undergo reconstruction at the same time as their mastectomy or lumpectomy, while others wait several months or even years. Your oncologist, your breast cancer surgeon, and Dr. Rahgozar can help you decide the ideal way to approach your treatment.

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