Improve Your Comfort and Confidence With Breast Reduction in Thousand Oaks

Although they’re a desirable trait for many women, large breasts can actually cause quite a few significant problems. For one, if your breasts are disproportionately large, it can negatively affect your bodily proportions and self-confidence. Additionally, excessively large breasts can cause a variety of physical symptoms, including neck, shoulder, and back pain, poor posture, skin irritation, and discomfort during physical activity. At Elevate Plastic Surgery, we don’t believe that women should be stuck dealing with these issues, which is why we offer a life-changing procedure called breast reduction surgery.

What Is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a surgical procedure that reduces the size and weight of the breasts. This procedure can be performed for purely aesthetic reasons, but many women also undergo the surgery to improve their day-to-day physical comfort.

During the procedure, Dr. Rahgozar strategically removes excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to create a bust size that is more comfortable and proportionate to the patient’s body.

Benefits of Breast Reduction

For women with excessively large breasts, breast reduction surgery can offer all of the following benefits:

  • A more proportionate figure
  • Reduced back, shoulder, and/or neck pain
  • Improved posture
  • Reduced skin irritation beneath the breasts
  • Improved mobility
  • Increased comfort during physical activity
  • Improved self-confidence
  • Increased wardrobe options
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What to Expect During Your Breast Reduction Procedure

Before your breast reduction surgery, you will have a consultation with Dr. Rahgozar to discuss your goals, medical history, and any concerns you may have about the procedure. He will also perform a physical exam and take measurements to determine the amount of tissue to be removed to achieve your ideal outcome. You and the doctor will then work together to decide on a personalized treatment plan that satisfies your unique needs.

Your procedure will likely be performed as an outpatient surgery using general anesthesia, meaning that you’ll be asleep during the operation. Typically, Dr. Rahgozar will make several incisions around the areolas, down the center of each breast, and along the natural breast creases. He will then use these incisions to carefully remove excess breast tissue, fat, and skin as needed.

Oftentimes, the nipples and areolas will also be repositioned to create a more natural look with your new breast shape and size. The incisions will then be closed with stitches, and the doctor will apply bandages to the treatment area. Before you leave the surgical facility, our team will monitor you for a couple of hours in the recovery room. After that, you’ll be able to head home with a friend or family member driving you.

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What Is the Recovery Like After Breast Reduction Surgery?

After your breast reduction surgery, you will be prescribed pain medication and a surgical support bra, which you will need to wear for several weeks to reduce swelling and ensure optimal results. During the first few days after surgery, you’ll experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising, but these symptoms should gradually subside on their own.

Usually, patients need to recover at home for around one to two weeks after breast reduction surgery before resuming their normal routines. After the first week or two, you should be able to return to work, but strenuous physical activity should be avoided for at least four to six weeks.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Breast Reduction?

Women looking to reduce the size of their disproportionately large breasts could be good candidates for breast reduction surgery in Thousand Oaks. The procedure is a popular choice for women who have large breasts and a small frame, as they will frequently experience back and shoulder pain as well as posture issues. Breast reduction could also be an option for you if you’re simply unhappy with the aesthetics of your large breasts.

To be an ideal candidate for breast reduction, it’s also important that you meet the following criteria:

  • Be in good physical health
  • Have fully developed breasts
  • Not be currently pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Be a non-smoker or willing to temporarily quit
  • Have realistic expectations
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Why Choose Elevate Plastic Surgery for Your Breast Reduction in Thousand Oaks?

At Elevate Plastic Surgery, we take pride in providing our patients with cosmetic and reconstructive care of the highest quality. Our modern, cutting-edge procedures are administered by Dr. Paymon Rahgozar, a triple board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive training at several prestigious institutions. Dr. Rahgozar and our dedicated staff go above and beyond to ensure that each patient has a comfortable, low-stress experience and receives personalized, natural-looking results. At our clinic, we believe in doing everything with 100% effort, never cutting corners or taking shortcuts. You can trust that we’ll approach your breast reduction procedure with precision, attention to detail, and compassion. If you’re ready to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Rahgozar, give our office a call today.

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Breast Reduction FAQ

Is breast reduction surgery covered by insurance?

What are the risks of breast reduction surgery?

How long does breast reduction surgery take?

Is breast reduction surgery covered by insurance?

Many insurance companies cover breast reduction surgery if it's deemed medically necessary. However, coverage varies by plan and provider, so it's important to check with your insurance company to determine if your specific policy covers the procedure.

What are the risks of breast reduction surgery?

Like any surgery, breast reduction carries some risks. These risks include bleeding, infection, scarring, changes in nipple sensation, and difficulty breastfeeding. However, having your procedure performed by a qualified board-certified surgeon like Dr. Rahgozar will greatly reduce the likelihood of significant complications or unsatisfactory results.

How long does breast reduction surgery take?

Although the length of breast reduction surgery can vary depending on the specific patient, the procedure usually takes between two and four hours to complete.

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