Restore Your Natural Aesthetic With Breast Implant Removal in Thousand Oaks

Breast augmentation is a popular procedure that helps numerous women enhance their appearance and improve their self-image. However, breast implants aren’t designed to last forever, and in some cases, women may decide that they’re no longer happy with the aesthetics of their enhanced breasts. Alternatively, some individuals will experience complications with their implants, such as a rupture or leakage. Whether you’re looking to have your breast implants removed to improve your aesthetics, comfort, or health, breast implant removal at Elevate Plastic Surgery could be the right choice for you.

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What Is Breast Implant Removal?

Breast implant removal, also known as explant surgery, is a surgical procedure in which a patient’s implants are removed from the body, typically either to restore their natural breast aesthetics or to alleviate complications from implants placed many years ago.

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Common Reasons for Breast Implant Removal

There are many reasons why you may decide that breast implant removal is the best option for you. Listed below are a few of the most common reasons why women choose to undergo this procedure.

  • Implants have started to degrade with age
  • Dissatisfaction with the appearance of the implants
  • Back, shoulder, or neck pain due to implant size
  • Rippling or protrusion of the implants
  • Capsular contracture (hardened scar tissue around the implant)
  • Leaking implant
  • Ruptured implant
  • Deflated implant
  • Shifted implant position
  • Breast Implant Illness (BII)
  • Preference for a more natural appearance

What to Expect During Your Breast Implant Removal Surgery

If you’re considering implant removal in Thousand Oaks, you’ll first need to have a private consultation with Dr. Rahgozar. He will ask you questions about your reasons for desiring the removal of your implants as well as your specific goals for the procedure. He will also evaluate your health and medical history to ensure that the surgery will be a safe and effective option.

Your breast implant removal procedure will be performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. Typically, Dr. Rahgozar will begin by making small incisions in the locations of your original breast augmentation scars; this way, you will not have any new scarring after the procedure. Then, in most cases, he will carefully remove both the affected implant(s) and surrounding scar tissue using the en bloc capsulectomy method. He will then close the incisions with sutures and bandage the treatment area.

After the procedure, you’ll need to stick around for a couple of hours to be monitored in the recovery room for any complications. Once you’ve sufficiently recovered from the anesthesia, you can get a ride home from a friend or family member.

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What Is the Recovery Like After Breast Implant Removal?

Most patients require around seven to 10 days of rest after breast implant removal surgery. After around a week, you should be able to start gradually easing back into your normal routine. If your job isn’t too physically demanding, you will be able to return to work around this time.

During your recovery, you should expect to deal with swelling, bruising, and soreness. If you need, Dr. Rahgozar can prescribe you pain medication to alleviate your discomfort. To ensure a smooth healing process, you’ll want to stay hydrated, get lots of sleep, and take light walks to keep your blood flowing. It’s important to hold off on strenuous physical activity for at least four to six weeks, and you may also be prescribed a surgical support bra to wear for a few weeks after the procedure.

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Who Is a Good Candidate for Breast Implant Removal?

Women who want or need to have their breast implants removed could be good candidates for breast implant removal in Thousand Oaks. The procedure can be an effective option for individuals who are unsatisfied with the aesthetics of their breast implants. Additionally, the surgery is commonly performed to alleviate implant-related complications or improve the patient’s comfort.

To be an ideal candidate for breast implant removal, it’s also important to meet the following criteria:

  • Be in generally good physical health
  • Not be currently pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Be a non-smoker or willing to temporarily quit
  • Have realistic expectations
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Why Choose Elevate Plastic Surgery for Breast Implant Removal in Thousand Oaks?

Choosing a qualified plastic surgeon is essential to ensure that your breast implant removal is complication-free and provides the high-quality results you deserve. At Elevate Plastic Surgery, your care will be in the hands of Dr. Paymon Rahgozar, a triple-board-certified plastic surgeon with expertise in both cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. Dr. Rahgozar and our team of dedicated aesthetic professionals believe in compassionate, patient-centered care, and we provide every individual with a unique treatment plan that’s custom-tailored to their needs and goals. If you’re ready to schedule your private consultation with Dr. Rahgozar, simply contact our office today.

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Breast Implant Removal FAQ

How long does breast implant removal surgery take?

Will the breasts sag after implant removal?

Can the breast implants be replaced?

How long do breast implants last before they need to be removed or replaced?

How long does breast implant removal surgery take?

On average, breast implant removal will take around one to two hours, depending on the patient’s specific treatment plan.

Will the breasts sag after implant removal?

In some cases, the breasts can appear slightly droopy or misshapen after implant removal. For this reason, many patients choose to combine the procedure with a breast lift, as this helps to restore the youthful shape and position of the breasts.

Can the breast implants be replaced?

Yes, many women choose to have their implants removed so that they can be replaced with implants of a different type, size, and/or shape. This is called breast implant revision, and it’s a separate surgical procedure that we offer at Elevate Plastic Surgery.

How long do breast implants last before they need to be removed or replaced?

The longevity of your breast implants will depend on several factors, including the type of implants you have and how well you take care of them. The implants do not need to routinely be removed or replaced at any given time point. If you are satisfied with the implants and have no issues, they can remain forever.

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