Free Yourself of Hand and Elbow Pain With Cubital Tunnel Release in Thousand Oaks

Cubital tunnel syndrome is a common condition affecting the ulnar nerve, which is responsible for the sensation in the little finger and half of the ring finger, as well as controlling some of the muscles in the hand. When this nerve becomes compressed or irritated, it can cause pain in the elbow as well as numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and fingers. Typically, this condition tends to gradually become worse, and if it’s left untreated, it can potentially cause permanent nerve damage. At Elevate Plastic Surgery, we offer a procedure called cubital tunnel release in Thousand Oaks that can provide an effective, long-lasting solution to cubital tunnel syndrome.

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What Is Cubital Tunnel Release?

Cubital tunnel release is a surgical procedure performed to relieve pressure on the ulnar nerve as it passes through the cubital tunnel in the elbow. This procedure is used to relieve the symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome, which can include pain, numbness, and weakness in the elbow, hand, and fingers.

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Benefits of Cubital Tunnel Release

Cubital tunnel release surgery can offer numerous benefits for individuals suffering from cubital tunnel syndrome, including the following:

  • Reduced pain and discomfort around the elbow, hand, and fingers
  • Improved range of motion in the arm and hand
  • Long-lasting results
  • Elimination of other cubital tunnel syndrome symptoms, such as tingling and numbness
  • Relatively short recovery time
  • Improved day-to-day comfort

What to Expect During Cubital Tunnel Release Surgery

If you think that you could benefit from cubital tunnel release surgery, you’ll first need to have a private consultation with Dr. Rahgozar. He will ask you about the symptoms you’ve experienced, and he’ll also need to know if you’ve previously been diagnosed with cubital tunnel syndrome. If you and the doctor decide that the procedure is your best option, he’ll work with you to curate a personalized treatment plan for the surgery.

Before the surgery, you will be given either general anesthesia or local anesthesia with IV sedation. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, Dr. Rahgozar will make a small incision along the inner elbow to access the ulnar nerve. He will then release the tight ligament that is compressing the nerve, allowing it to move freely and reducing pressure on the nerve. Finally, he’ll close the incision with stitches and bandage up the area.

After the surgery, you will be taken to a recovery room, where you will be monitored until the anesthesia wears off. You’ll then be able to have a friend or family member drive you home.

What Is the Recovery Like After Cubital Tunnel Release Surgery?

During the first few days after surgery, you may experience mild pain or swelling in your elbow and arm. Dr. Rahgozar may prescribe pain medication to help manage your discomfort, and you may also be advised to keep your arm elevated.

In the weeks following your surgery, you may need to attend physical therapy sessions to help restore strength and mobility to your arm. Dr. Rahgozar or your therapist may recommend a variety of exercises to help improve your range of motion and reduce stiffness. Depending on the specifics of your job, you should be able to return to work within a few days or a week of your procedure. However, if your work is more physically demanding, you may need to take more time off.

Depending on the specifics of your job, you should be able to return to work within a few days or a week of your procedure. However, if your work is more physically demanding, you may need to take up to two months off.

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Who Is a Good Candidate for Cubital Tunnel Release?

If you’re experiencing significant symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome, you could be a good candidate for cubital tunnel release. The surgery could be right for you if you’ve been diagnosed with cubital tunnel syndrome and are experiencing symptoms such as numbness, tingling, weakness, and/or pain in your hand or arm. Cubital tunnel release is typically recommended for patients who have severe or persistent symptoms that have not responded to non-surgical treatments.

To be an ideal candidate for the procedure, it’s also important that you’re in good physical health, not currently pregnant or breastfeeding, and a non-smoker or willing to quit temporarily.

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Why Choose Elevate Plastic Surgery for Cubital Tunnel Release in Thousand Oaks?

When you decide to go with Elevate Plastic Surgery for your cubital tunnel release in Thousand Oaks, you’ll be under the expert care of Dr. Paymon Rahgozar and our team of dedicated professionals. Dr. Rahgozar is a triple board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in hand procedures and has helped countless patients improve their day-to-day comfort and quality of life. He will approach your surgery with precision and attention to detail to ensure that you receive the superb, life-changing results that you deserve. Simply contact our office today if you’re ready to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Rahgozar. 

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Cubital Tunnel Release FAQ

How soon will I notice improvements after cubital tunnel release surgery?

Which exercises are recommended after cubital tunnel release surgery?

What complications can arise after undergoing cubital tunnel surgery?

How soon will I notice improvements after cubital tunnel release surgery?

Some individuals may notice improvements in their symptoms immediately after the surgery, while others may take several weeks or even months to notice significant changes. Typically, though, the results of cubital tunnel release surgery are very long-lasting.

Which exercises are recommended after cubital tunnel release surgery?

Your surgeon or physical therapist may recommend exercises such as gentle stretching, grip strengthening exercises, and nerve gliding exercises while recovering from your cubital tunnel release procedure.

What complications can arise after undergoing cubital tunnel surgery?

Like any surgical procedure, cubital tunnel release surgery carries some risks. However, complications are rare and can often be avoided by choosing a qualified, board-certified surgeon like Dr. Rahgozar and following all of his instructions both before and after the procedure.

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