Improve Your Child’s Quality of Life With Syndactyly Surgery in Thousand Oaks

If your child has been diagnosed with syndactyly, you undoubtedly want to do whatever you can to help them, and you’re likely curious about the treatments that are available. Syndactyly is a condition where two or more fingers or toes are fused together, and it typically occurs when a fetus is still developing. While some cases of syndactyly may not require surgery, more severe cases may benefit from surgical intervention. At Elevate Plastic Surgery, we offer pediatric syndactyly surgery in Thousand Oaks, which can potentially make a massive difference in your child’s quality of life.

What Is Syndactyly?

Syndactyly is a congenital condition in which two or more fingers or toes are fused together. The condition occurs when the skin and bones of the digits fail to separate during fetal development.

Syndactyly can affect one or both hands and feet and can range from mild to severe.

Syndactyly can be classified into two types: simple and complex.

Simple syndactyly involves only soft tissue fusion, while complex syndactyly involves fusion of both soft tissue and bone. The severity of syndactyly is determined based on the extent of fusion and the number of digits involved. 

Mild syndactyly involves only partial fusion of digits, while severe syndactyly involves complete fusion of multiple digits. Syndactyly can cause functional and cosmetic issues. It can affect the ability to grasp objects and perform fine motor tasks. The condition can also cause self-consciousness and social anxiety in your child due to the appearance of the affected hand or foot.

How Is Syndactyly Surgery Performed?

Syndactyly surgery is a procedure that aims to separate fused fingers or toes. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, and it typically takes a few hours to complete. Here is a brief overview of how the surgery is performed:

1. Incisions

Dr. Rahgozar will make incisions in the skin between the fused digits to expose the underlying tissue.

2. Separation

Next, Dr. Rahgozar will carefully separate the bones, tendons, and nerves that are connected between the fused digits. This may involve cutting or repositioning these structures.

3. Skin grafting

If there is a large gap between the separated digits, Dr. Rahgozar may use a skin graft to cover the area. The graft is usually taken from another part of the body, such as the groin.

4. Closure

Once the digits are separated and any necessary skin grafts are in place, Dr. Rahgozar will close the incisions with sutures or staples.

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What Is the Recovery Like After Syndactyly Surgery?

After syndactyly surgery, your child’s hand or foot will be in a cast to protect the surgical site.

Overall, the recovery process after syndactyly surgery can vary depending on the extent of the surgery and individual factors. Dr. Rahgozar will work with you and your child to develop a personalized recovery plan to ensure the best possible outcome.

Is My Child a Candidate for Syndactyly Surgery?

To determine if your child is a candidate for syndactyly surgery, Dr. Rahgozar will consider several factors, including the age of your child, the severity of the condition, and the impact it has on your child's daily life. In general, surgery is recommended for children with moderate to severe syndactyly, especially if it affects the function of the hand or foot. If your child has mild syndactyly that does not affect their ability to use their hand or foot, surgery may not be necessary. It's important to note that surgery for syndactyly is usually not performed until your child is at least six months old. This allows your child's hand or foot to grow and develop before surgery is performed.

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Why Choose Elevate Plastic Surgery for Syndactyly Surgery in Thousand Oaks?

When you select Elevate Plastic Surgery for your child’s syndactyly surgery in Thousand Oaks, you can trust that they’ll receive high-quality, personalized care. Our pediatric hand and wrist procedures are performed by Dr. Paymon Rahgozar, a triple board-certified plastic surgeon who has received training at several top institutions. He has also authored the Pediatric Hand Surgery Chapter in the 8th edition of Grabb and Smith’s Plastic Surgery textbook, the primary textbook every plastic surgeon uses to learn and study plastic surgery. At Elevate, we offer only the most modern, advanced procedures and approach every treatment with attention to detail, compassion, and professionalism. We understand how stressful it can be when your child needs surgery, which is why our dedicated staff will go above and beyond to provide a comfortable, complication-free experience. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rahgozar, simply reach out to our office today.

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